
11 July 2008 - Beijing / Great Wall of China

Another early start - I am getting picked up at 0600 to see the GWoC. I meet a German lady who is staying at the same hostel. We are going to a place called Jinshaling. Everyone on the bus is dressed like they are going on a proper hike and I'm in my flip flops. We are just visiting the wall....right?

I get the option to walk up to the wall or take a cable car up. Of course I take the easy option. At the top you have to walk along a dirt path to get onto the wall. I do, and slip and cut myself pretty badly. I get onto the wall and begin walking. Everyone is gunning ahead. I walk quite a bit before I come to this REALLY steep incline. I don't want to walk up there. The wall is crumbling and I have an injury. I then think to myself, "fine" and walk up it. When I get up I decide enough is enough and go back down this steep incline. As I am descending I meet someone and he says to me, "where are you going". I say I'm going back down. He says but this walk it to the other end of the wall - 10km away! "WHAT"!!!!??? No wonder everyone was wearing proper hiking gear and all prepared. All I have is flip flops and a little bottle of water. So I have to hoike myself back up the steep incline that I just came down from and walk 10km in flip flops.

The walk however is absolutely amazing and even though the wall is crumbling away, and I am exhausted, and sweating like a pig, I finally make it to the end.

What I do find quite funny is up on the wall you will find people selling goods like t-shirts, water, coke, beer!! I actually end up haggling for a t-shirt on top of the wall with 2 little old ladies.

It's the a 3 hr bus journey back and I am exhausted. I get some food and then go for a few beers with the German lady.

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