
10 July 2008 - Hanoi - Beijing

Get a taxi with the Irish couple to the airport at 6am. We are all very tired! Look at my flight time and it is one hour earlier than I had expected. Say my goodbyes and catch my plane.

The flight was pretty standard, however when we flew into Beijing I could help but notice how hazy this place is. I noticed this when I first arrived into Bejing at the beginning of my trip. It's like a giant ball of pollution.

Get out of the airport and try to get my bearings. Ask info how to get to Beijing Railway so they sell me a map and direct me to a bus. I catch the bus to the rail station and then catch a taxi. I have pre-booked a hostel but I do not have the Chinese version of the street name, but the Romanised version. Luckily I pre-empted this and circled it on the map. Lucky I did as the taxi driver does not know a stitch of English. He starts shouting at me in Chinese and pointing at the map. I have no idea what he is saying, but he takes me to the area, but cannot find the hostel. I get out and wander the streets. I am very tired and finding it hard to concentrate, and there seems no point in asking anyone as I do not think they will know what I am saying. After 40 mins of wandering with my big rucksac, I finally find the hostel.

I dump my stuff, and book a day trip to the Great Wall of China (GWoC) for the next day and then make my way over to some fake designer market. It's not too far away and I catch the very easy to navigate and cheap subway. I get to the Silk Market that is just crammed with fake goods. I end up buying a few things before heading back.

The hostel is located right by Tianamen Square so I wander around it, but it is blocked off for some reason and no one is allowed to go in.

Back to the hostel for some beer.

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